Michael X and members of the Black Power Movement, Paddington Station 1967
Michael X and members of the Black Power movement talk to journalists after Reading Speech, 1967
Michael X and members of the Black Power movement in Compayne Gardens after Reading speech, 1967
Stokely Carmichael giving a speech at The Dialectics of Liberation Congress, Roundhouse 1967
Michael X and members of the Black Power Movement talk to journalists after Reading Speech, Compayne Gardens, Featuring Zak Ové (Baby) 1967
Darcus Howe speaks at the Mangrove Demonstration, 1970
Darcus Howe speaks at the Mangrove Demonstration, 1970 (Profile)
Barbara Beese at the Mangrove Demonstration, 1970
The Mangrove Nine At Court House, 1971
Police clash with demonstrators at the Mangrove demonstration, 1970
Shell Shocked Police Man, Mangrove Demonstration, 1970
The Point, Black Struggle, Mangrove demonstration 1970
Winds Of Change, Mangrove Demonstration, 1970
Black Power is going to get your mama, Mangrove demonstration, 1970
Hippie Anti-Vietnam Demo in Hyde Park, 1968
Roy Sawh arrested after Hyde Park Speech, 1968
Hands off Grove Now! Darcus Howe at Mangrove demonstration, 1970
Obi Egbuna and Police, 1968
This time we will fight, Mangrove demonstration 1970
Jesse Jackson at Anti Apartheid Demonstration, 1986